philippians 2:4 // selflessness

“Everyone should look out not only for his own interests but also for the interests of others,” Philippians 2:4 expresses.

If there is one thing that I have learned in my 15 years of life, it is that being selfless feels so much rewarding than being selfish. Time and time again people say or do things that do not bring any good into the world, which is not okay. I feel that there is already so much hatred and anger in the world around us that we need to lighten the place up a bit – am I right!?

The definition of selfless is: concerned more with the needs and wishes of others than with one’s own; unselfish. Now doesn’t that just sound so much more fulfilling rather than selfish, which is: lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one’s own personal profit or pleasure? Although I have already focused on the topic of being kind to everyone, I feel that we can never spread too much love around – so here I am, once again!

The reason why I wrote about this topic is because recently I feel like I have been seeing people do things that do not benefit or uplift others – just themselves. I understand that it feels satisfying to do something for YOU occasionally, but please do not do it all the time. Instead, do or say something simply out of the goodness of your heart that you know will make a person’s day a little brighter. God created you to be just like Jesus – who is the most selfless, kind, caring, loving, and all around the most amazing human being to ever be created.

One way to be a little more selfless rather than selfish is to simply accept everyone you come across. Despite all of the differences between the two of you, try to accept them for who God made them to be. Try not to judge them until you truly know them & their personality, especially because their personality is what makes them who they are. Things that you see as flaws in other people are things that God sees as beautiful quirks about them. What I find both so interesting & stunning is the fact that no one person is the same. Yes, we might have a similar personality as someone else, but there is seriously not a SINGLE person who is like you. Isn’t that pretty neat?

I am going to end this blog with an article from LifeDaily that talks about ways you can be a little more selfless. I encourage all of you to read the article and maybe consider being selfless instead of selfish.

The feeling you get from knowing you put someone else & their feelings above your own is far more valuable than you would even imagine.

xoxo, Linds

Today’s Christian song is: Do Something by Matthew West. This song talks about how the writer of this song realized how much trouble is in the world and they asked God why He is not doing anything and He said that He did, He created YOU.


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