1 peter 3:4 // self-love

Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight,” 1 Peter 3:4 broadcasts.

Time and time again, both men & women convince themselves that they are not “enough”. Whether that is not pretty enough, not skinny enough, not tall enough, not smart enough, so on and so forth. One thing that many people do not realize is that God made you exactly how/who He wanted you to be – both on the inside and the outside. So while you are looking at yourself in the mirror criticizing the way you look on the outside, you should be looking at yourself on the inside.

I will admit: there are things that I wish I could change about my appearance on the outside. I wish that I was a couple inches taller, my thighs were a little bit skinnier, my hair was a little less frizzy; however, these are some of the things that make me unique. At the end of the day, I have to remind myself that there is no one in the whole world like me and that is exactly how God intended for it to be.

While we tend to focus more on what our exterior looks like, that usually means that we forget to focus on what our interior looks like. There are many people in the world who have a very captivating appearance on the outside, but not so much on the inside. To me, I think it is worth more to have an appealing personality rather than an appealing appearance. I truly believe that once you learn to love & accept who you are on the inside, you will start to love & accept who you are on the outside.

Although I feel that this blog is a little more scattered because I just want to get so many points across, my main point is that EVERYONE is beautiful in their own way. And while you may be focusing on the things you do not like about yourself, someone else is focusing on the things that they love about you. You should not be comparing yourself to models in magazines because your beauty is so captivating in a way that no one else’s is.

I want to give you readers a little task after reading this post. I want you to write at least three things that you like about your appearance on the outside. After you have done that, I want you to do the same number as before and write at the things that you like about your appearance on the inside. After you do this I hope you feel a new level of confidence & love for who you are, because you deserve that.

You deserve to know how special you are.

xoxo, Linds

Today’s Christian song is: Come As You Are by Pocket of Rocks. It talks about how God is full of mercy & kindness and that you can come as you are.
