2 peter 3:9 // serenity

“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance,” 2 Peter 3:9 comforts.

Hello, friends! It feels like forever since I have written a blog and I’m not going to lie, it makes me so so sad. I don’t quite know why I have been experiencing such a lack of motivation and ambition, but I just haven’t felt the urge to write a blog for the longest time. However, tonight something in my mind changed.

I was looking through my latest memories on Facebook, and I came across a blog that I wrote one year ago – the blog that talked about hardships. After seeing this pop up, I obviously read the blog and took some time to reflect on my life a year after writing that post. Although this past year has been filled with an infinite amount of joy and happiness, it has also been filled with some hurt and heartache.

The reason I haven’t gained much motivation to write a new blog is because right now, my life is at a standstill. I am just living my life day by day and there has not really been anything significant happening. For a while, it has made me extremely upset. I mean I am obviously grateful that my life is going well, but I have just been frustrated with how motionless my life has been . . . until tonight.

Tonight, reading that blog from a year ago, opened my eyes. Life is not always huge and dramatic moments. Life is not always these drastic changes or transitions. Life is also about the simple moments; the moments where everything is still. Life should include serene times like the ones that I have experienced recently.


If you are feeling the same way that I have been, I want you to know that you are not alone. There are so many people just going through the motions, and right now, that is okay. Although you may feel like it’s not, it is. It’s okay because God has you exactly where He wants you. He always does. All of this waiting and consistency that God is having you experience?


It may not seem like it, but I promise that it is. So, instead of being confused about what you are going through, embrace it. Embrace it because this is exactly what God has planned for your life right now. God is using this to make you stronger. Don’t question it, because trust me, He always knows what He is doing.

In the end, it will all be worth it. I promise. Keep the faith. This is all a part in God’s plan for you.

xoxo, Linds

Today’s Christian song is: O Come to the Altar by Elevation Worship. This song doesn’t completely correlate with this message, but it is one of my favorites of all time. Whenever you are doubting your faith, God always wants you to come to the altar and pour your heart out to Him.


2 kings 20:5 // healing

“This is what the Lord, the God of your father David, says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will heal you,” 2 Kings 20:5 renews.

The other night, I was driving home and I had my radio playing. I was clicking through the stations, and when I put on my Christian station, I heard a song that I had not heard in a long time, but holds great meaning to me. The song was Blessings by Laura Story. When I heard it, my heart skipped a beat and I started crying. For those who may not know, they played that song at Donna Mae’s funeral. When I heard the song, I realized that I had not thought about her in awhile, and I almost felt guilty, considering how important of a role she has played in my life. Ever since I heard that song two nights ago, I have been thinking about her so so often.

I think about all of the things that not only she, but the people who were a part of her cancer journey endured throughout those 750 days; from the day she was diagnosed until the day of her passing. I think about all of heartache and pain and grief that we all experienced and it breaks my heart. If you ask any person who knew her, she was the definition of an angel on Earth.

Her kindness made you want to be kind to every person you came across. Her laugh made you want to say funny things just so you could hear it one more time. Her voice made you want the song she was singing to never end because it was the most angelic sound. Her faith in God made you want to continuously grow deeper and deeper in your relationship with Christ. Every single thing that she did, just made you want to be a better person, because she was the best person.

On this day, it has been 1,343 days since that treasure of a human graced this Earth with her beautiful and gentle presence. The amount of sadness it brings me – even to this day – that she is no longer here is immeasurable, but I know that after her long fight, she is finally at peace in her Heavenly home with her Heavenly Father. And although I am unbelievably jealous of all of the people in heaven who get to be with that lovely soul, I know that one day, I will get to be with her again.

I remember after her death, I wondered, “How am I supposed to do it? How am I supposed to do life without her here to guide me? How will I make it?” It has been nearly four years and if I am being totally honest, I am still asking myself these questions from time to time. However, I am slowly – but surely – learning how to go on without this precious human we call Donna Mae (or D Mae). I am not completely over or healed from her death. Honestly, I don’t know if I will ever be. There will always be this void in my heart that she occupies, but nonetheless, I am healing.

That is the key word. Healing. Quite honestly, I had never associated the word “healing” with this whole situation until someone who means a great deal to me mentioned it. She told me, “You are beginning to heal some pretty deep wounds. There’s nothing wrong with healing – it allows one to turn sad emotions into happy ones.”

Healing after something as huge and impactful like Donna Mae’s cancer journey has been extremely difficult. There are days when I cannot understand for the life of me why God chose her. There are also days when I know exactly why God chose her. In some way, this is how it was supposed to be. I never imagined losing my absolute biggest role model or most favoritest (that’s not a word, I know) person to cancer by the age of 12. But, without her, I can truly say that I would not be the person I am today. Without her, a large number of people’s lives would be so much darker & colder because they would not know of the light & happiness that she brought everywhere she went.

The key to healing is knowing that God’s got you. No matter what, God has always got you. I cannot stress that enough. You may be feeling an unbearable amount of pain, but trust me, you are strong enough to handle this. God chose YOU for this battle because He knew that you were strong enough to handle it. There is never a moment where God is not by your side. The key to healing is knowing that everything happens for a reason. You may already know it, you may not know it right now, and you may not ever know it, but it does.

The moment when you can look back on your situation and think happy thoughts instead of sad ones, is the moment when you know you are healing. But be patient, because it will take time – some longer than others. Heck, it has been nearly four years and I am just beginning the process of healing from Donna Mae’s death. Sure, there will be setbacks and times when all you want is that person or that thing that is completely gone. But, there will also be achievements and times when you are content with that person or that thing not being here anymore. I wish, more than anything, that Donna Mae could be here to witness all of the things that I have done with my life since she left this world on February 1st, 2014. However, although she may not physically be here with me, she is still by my side every step of the way. Plus she has the best seat in the house no matter what.

Be patient. Time truly does heal all wounds.

Like Laura Story once said, “What if my greatest disappointments or the aching of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can’t satisfy
What if trials of this life
The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
Are your mercies in disguise.”

xoxo, Linds

Today’s Christian song is: Tell Your Heart to Beat Again by Danny Gokey. This song talks about how even though everything may have fell apart or is falling apart in your life, you have the strength to move on from all of that hurt and heartache. YOU ARE STRONG ENOUGH.

Another song that has been reminding me of Donna Mae a lot lately is the song When I’m Gone by Joey + Rory. I love and miss you always, D Mae. Everything I do and everything I am is because of you. Rest beautiful, my sweet angel.


ephesians 3:17 // chwc

“May Christ dwell in your hearts through faith; so that you will be rooted and grounded in God’s love,” Ephesians 3:17 reminds.

For those of you who may not know, I was fortunate enough to partake on a mission trip organized by Catholic Heart Workcamp during the days of July 17-22. Throughout those six days, I grew deeper not only in my faith but in my love for service & helping people. I am writing about this experience to not only give my family & friends some insight on what I encountered during those days but to also encourage others to go on a mission trip through this organization.

Monday: We left around 9:45 a.m. and it was about a four-hour drive up to Detroit Lakes, MN. When we got there, we unpacked and got our sleeping quarters all set up. The sleeping areas were divided up in multiple ways. The boys slept in the classrooms in the basement, and the girls slept in the classrooms in the upper level. Then, each classroom was divided by churches. We got paired with a church who only had four girls (plus a female chaperone). All of the girls were very friendly and we definitely grew close to them as the week went on.

After we got everything situated in our room, we went down to our first program of the week. During this program, we got familiar with the rules for the week, met the staff members & our small groups, and learned a dance that we would be doing every single night for the rest of the week. When the program was done, we had some free time, which was then followed by dinner. After dinner, we had some team building activities with our small groups. Once we were done with those activities, we celebrated Mass together. During the Mass, we sang a song that included the words, “Dona Nobis Pacem.” Those words may not mean anything to you, but when I heard those three words, I started crying (warning: there was a lot of crying throughout this week). I started crying because when I was in Youth Choir with Donna Mae, we always sang that song. Nearly every single weekend, we sang that song. So, in that moment, I felt her presence. Donna Mae is the main reason why my love for God is so great, so when I heard those words, I felt like she was letting me know that she would be right by my side that whole week. After Mass, we had some free time and then went to bed.

Tuesday-Friday: We were woken up at 6:15 a.m. by the staff playing a song on the PA system (Lindsay did not like being woken up like this, but I soon learned to get over it). Breakfast was served from 6:30-7:15 a.m. Once we were all done eating, we had Mass at 7:30 a.m. After we worshipped God, we got our equipment ready for the day. We got all of the tools we needed and all of our lunches packed.

Tuesday & Thursday’s Service: On our first & third days, we went to a resident’s home. Their names were Al & Gene and were the cutest old couple. Throughout these two days, we learned a lot about these two people. We learned that Al was a retired elementary school teacher who loved to make smartie comments that usually followed with a wink. We learned that Gene used to work at a jail and enjoyed having company over. Besides getting to know these residents, we also did service. We pulled weeds, painted benches, pulled weeds, washed their front deck, pulled weeds, stained their back deck, pulled weeds, washed their deck furniture, and pulled weeds (in case if you couldn’t tell, we pulled some weeds!!). On Thursday, Al decided that it was necessary (enough though it definitely was not) to treat us to some Dairy Queen dilly bars, which was ever so sweet.

Wednesday’s Service: On our second day, we went to a place that hosts retreats for women who have lost their husbands in the military. Although we were not able to meet any of the women due to the timing, it was still so amazing to talk with the owners and learn about what inspired them to create this wonderful idea. While we were here, my friend, Emma & I scrubbed the floors and washed windows. The other members of our group pulled weeds and helped with the landscaping outside.

Friday’s Service: On our fourth day of service, we went to another resident’s home. Her name was Jan and she was a widow of 10 years. Since she does not have a husband around to help her keep the place looking nice, we helped her by painting her big shed. She also made some reaaaaally yummy brownies. 🙂

After Service: We got back from our service every day between 3:00-3:30 p.m. From the time that we got back until dinner time, we had free time. During the free time, we could do various things such as shower, pray a rosary as a group, play games (such as Heads Up on our phones) in the cafeteria, or relax/sleep in rooms. After dinner, we had a little bit of free time, with program to follow.

Tuesday’s Program: If I am being totally honest, I have a hard time remembering specific things that we did during Tuesday’s program. I know we did some team building exercises, sang & danced to some awesome Jesus jams, and they showed us a slideshow of pictures of some groups from that day.

Wednesday’s Program: We started the program with that dance that we learned on the first day, followed by some more team building, and again, singing & dancing to some awesome Jesus jams. However, after we did those activities, we folded up all of our chairs and put them on one side of the gym. I had no idea that I was about to encounter a very sweaty and near-voice-losing experience. Once we cleared the gym floor, we had a dance party. They played little excerpts from multiple genres: pop, Christian, country, even a little bit of hip-hop/rap (yes, they played that at Jesus Camp). Since I am someone who is a part of a big family who encounters weddings very often, this was an absolute blast and right up my alley.

After the dance party, we transitioned into the more spiritual and emotional part of the evening. As a large group, we took part in adoration. The camp chaplain for our week prepared Jesus’ body and walked us into a different gym in the school. While walking, we all sang the words, “O come let us adore Him.” They placed the monstrance on a table in the middle of the gym, where we all sat down and formed a circle around Jesus’ body. The musician, Alex Street, started singing some music to give us a different form of prayer that we could engage in.

Then, something quite beautiful happened. Many of you probably do not know this, but one of my favorite Christian songs is Lord, I Need You by Matt Maher. Since I love it so much, I was hoping to hear it during my trip. Then, as I was just sitting there praying, I heard Alex start singing it. In that moment, I start crying. If you really listen to the lyrics, you will hear the song talk about how without Jesus, you will fall apart. You will hear the song talk about that every hour, you need Jesus. Even when you do not realize it, you need Jesus. All the time. When I heard this song, I felt God speaking to me. I felt God reminding me that He will always be here, even if I stray from Him. Needless to say, I was crying basicaaaaally the whole song. Call me emotional, idk.

Thursday’s Program: We started the program with the same dance, which again included more team building and singing & dancing. We did some little activities after this, but then we did something that I had never heard of. It was an activity called “Four Corners.” They shut off all the lights and had at least 100 candles lit (they were fake, so don’t worry about starting a fire). The Four Corners experience was intended to be a time of prayer and healing.

There were various things that we could do during this time. One of the options was the Sacrament of Reconciliation. They brought in five priests, and you could go to them if you had some burdens weighing you down and you were in need of forgiveness. Another option was talking to an adult about any problems that you were facing. Family problems, friend problems, relationship problems, faith problems – you could talk to them about anything. You could also write letters. You could write them to God, yourself, another person on the trip, or even a person back home.

Earlier that night, one of the staff members gave a testimony. She talked about the struggles she endured during her sophomore year of college. She talked about she had all of these rocks in her life that were weighing her down, and the main one was anxiety. During Four Corners they had a basket full of small rocks. We could grab one for ourselves and write down the rocks in our life; the things that were weighing us down. Then, on the last day, they put the basket of rocks on the front table, where you could grab one and pray for that person of that rock and all of the things that they are struggling with.

I spent the majority of that night writing a letter, praying to God, and talking with my lovely friend, Anne. There were a lot of tears shed together, but the good kind. Once again, I am just a little bit emotional. It’s fine. I’m fine.

Friday’s Program: We started this program out a little differently. At each place that we did service, we invited the residents to a program on Friday night at the high school. Two out of three of my group’s residents came, which truly meant a lot. They were all invited to share a few words if they wanted, and both of ours did. Al talked about how while Emma was power washing the umbrella for their patio table, she managed to get Al completely soaked. He also felt the need to enlighten our peers about how I told Al that he could have just brought some soap out and Emma could have given him a shower!!! Then, Jan talked about how much worked we saved her by painting her shed, and she also talked about how much we loved her tasty brownies. Just by listening to these two wonderful people talk about the impact that we left in their life was inspiring. Service may seem like hard work most of the time, but you just have to take a step back and realize how much you are really affecting these people.

After the residents left, we did the usual activities and singing. My church – St. Wenceslaus – was also selected to perform a little skit on Friday night. I am unable to attach a video on here, but there were some miracles performed and head bobbing. Lots of head bobbing.

Later in the program, they sang the song I Surrender by All Sons & Daughters. I had never heard the song until CHWC, but the lyrics and meaning behind the song is quite lovely. Before Alex played the song, he encouraged us to open our hands and just hold them up. I did, and then when they started singing that song, I felt like I was just speaking those words directly towards God. A little bit later, they played the song Oceans by Hillsong United, which is another one of my favorite Christian songs. I was also hoping to hear this song at one point during the week. So, on Friday night, they played it. It caught me so off guard, but when I heard it, guess what I did… Yep, you guessed it. I started crying. For the whole song. Oops. Anyways, the song is all about trusting God and having Him deepen your faith with these new experiences that may be out of our comfort zone. At first, I thought that CHWC was out of my comfort zone. But, by hearing this song there, I realized that it was exactly what God had planned for me to strengthen my faith.

Recap: I realize how lengthy this post is, and if you have read until this far, THANK YOU. I would also like to thank everyone who has supported me in this experience. One thing many people may not know is that my entire trip was paid for through donations. I received donations from family, teachers, and friends. So, I wanted to write this blog because I felt like I almost owed it to all of these people to give them some insight on what their donations allowed me to experience. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I have some amazing people in my life and I am forever grateful.

If you have the opportunity to go on a mission trip – especially through this program – do it. It truly deepened my faith and changed my life for the better.

xoxo, Linds


matthew 5:16 // be a light

“Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven,” Matthew 5:16 shines.

The world is dark. The world is hateful. The world is cruel. The world is selfish.

This is the harsh reality of this world that we live in. However, it does not have to be this way. There are so many things that the world could be.

The world could be bright. The world could be loving. The world could be compassionate. The world could be selfless.

These are all things that this world is capable of being but are currently struggling with. In order to change the world for the better, we need to start bringing people up, not tearing people down. We need to spread joy & happiness, not hate & anger. We need to not only believe in the good of the world but be the good in the world.

The first step is to take a look at yourself. Are you doing things that will leave the world a better place? Are your actions leaving a positive impact on other people’s lives? If not, then change that. Go volunteer at an organization that means something to you and helps others. Send a letter or email or call or text to someone that you know is in need of some help & assistance. Buy a little gift for someone just to say thank you for being in your life.

The second step is to take a look at the people you are surrounding yourself with. Are they people who are lifting you up? Are they people who would be there for you just as quickly as you would be there for them? If not, then distance yourself from them. Life is too short to spend time with people who are not helping you become the best you can be. And believe me, you deserve to be the best you can be.

The third & final step is to take a look at the people you don’t know. The people who you have never seen before. Do something for them. Hold the door open for someone. Pay for the person’s coffee who is standing behind you in line. Buy a meal for a homeless person that you walked past.

We get so caught up in our lives and all of the problems that we face. Take a second to think about others. Is there something that you can do that you know will put a smile on a person’s face (whether it be someone you know or someone you do not know)? I am quite certain there is. Do that. Live for that. Live for the feeling of helping others. Live for the feeling of knowing that you are making a difference. Live for the feeling of being a light in this world. Live for those feelings, and never stop living for those feelings.

Anyone can be a light, they just need to dedicate their heart and their mind to it.

xoxo, Linds

Today’s Christian song is: Learning To Be The Light by Newworldson. It may not be easy to be a light in this world, but as long as you turn to God, you will be able to do it without a problem. Always try and do things that will lead you closer to God.



sixteen candles

As today marks my sixteenth rotation around the sun, I feel eternally grateful. God has blessed me with a wonderful life. Although I may have struggled to realize it at times, He truly has. He has blessed me with wonderful family & friends who are always supporting me and have stuck by my side.

In this blog, I plan to share sixteen words of advice that I have learned over the past sixteen years.

  1. Always have faith in God. No matter how hard times may be, never lose sight of Him. He will always be your rock, even when you fail to see it. You are His child, and He loves you unconditionally. Never forget that.
  2. Cherish the moments with the people you love. They may not be here tomorrow. You may think otherwise, but you can lose them in the blink of an eye. Do not take them for granted.
  3. People do not have the same heart as you. This one is very important. You need to remember that everyone does not have the same heart as you. Since they do not, it can cause you to get hurt, but when that happens, you have to remember this piece of advice. However, you should still spread happiness & love everywhere!
  4. Even when people are unkind to you, be kind to them. Be the bigger person. Even when they are being very rude or hurtful, be the bigger person. Be kind to them. Surprise them with your kindness. 🙂
  5. Everybody is fighting a battle that you may not know about. This is so important. You never know what is going on in a person’s life until you ask. Do not be too quick to judge. Everyone has a story.
  6. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Whether you have a huge presentation or an important test, don’t be too hard on yourself. You may not realize it, but you are doing the best you can. Take a deep breath. Everything will work out.
  7. It is okay to cry and be emotional. Ask anyone, I am a very emotional person. However, that is perfectly okay. If something is sad or makes you upset, cry. It is okay. Let it out! You will feel better after.
  8. LAUGH AT ANY & EVERY POSSIBLE MOMENT. Try to not take life too seriously. Be silly and partake in some activities that will bring out the inner child in you. Also, I hear that it can make you live longer. Which means that the longer you live, the longer you get to laugh! It’s a win-win.
  9. The more hardships you endure, the stronger they will make you. We tend to look at difficult times in life as bad things, even though that is not necessarily true. Yes, it is unfortunate that they happened, but they are also making you stronger.
  10. Do not dwell on the negatives. You may go through some hard times, but do not continue to think about the negative impact that it may have had on your life. Focus on the positive & wonderful things in life!
  11. Try not to worry too much about the little things. Some things are out of your control, so do your best to not worry about them. Everything will work out. It may not work out like you wanted or planned, but it will work out.
  12. It is okay to make a mistake. We have all heard the wonderful Hannah Montana song, “Nobody’s Perfect.” Well, that is true. Everybody makes mistakes, so do not beat yourself up if you make one.
  13. Surround yourself with people who raise you up, not bring you down. I do not know if you have heard this, but there is a saying that states, “You are who you surround yourself with.” I find this to be very true. If you surround yourself with negative people, then you will go through life with a negative mentality. However, if you surround yourself with positive people, then you will go through life with a positive mentality. It is up to you how you want to go through life. Choose wisely.
  14. Always pray about it. Even when it seems like it is out of God’s limits, pray about it. Because guess what? God knows no limits. With Him, anything is possible. Isn’t that pretty neat? I think so too.
  15. Stay humble and kind. Yes, I may be quoting Tim McGraw, but the song holds so much truth. Do not brag about things, it does not make you appear as a very appealing person. Yes, you can be proud of yourself for accomplishing something, but do not gloat about it. Stay humble and continue on.
  16. Be grateful for every single thing in your life – both the good & the bad. No matter how wonderful or terrible your life has been, be grateful. If it has been terrible, then find a way to fix it. If it has been wonderful, then continue what you are doing. No matter what, always make sure that you are happy.

I would like to thank my parents, for always making sure that I have everything I need to be happy and healthy. I would like to thank my sisters, for both teasing me and giving me so much love. I would like to thank Donna Mae, for teaching me far more things than I could ever count. You will always be my angel; I love you & miss you more than I could ever say. I would like to thank my best friend, Anne Zweber, for being by my side since 6th grade (even though I may not have liked you, hehe). You truly make me into a better person and I am forever grateful. I would like to thank my other wonderful friends – especially Kaitlyn Pickens, Addey Vochoska, Olivia Schmitz & Eliza Lynch – who always have a way of putting a smile on my face. I would like to thank God, for making all of this possible. I truly do owe everything to Him.

Here is to another year filled with new people, new memories, and new experiences. I have a feeling that sixteen will be the best year yet!

xoxo, Linds


matthew 6:10 // trust

“Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven,” Matthew 6:10 recites.

We all know the Lord’s Prayer; the prayer that Jesus taught us.

Our Father, Who art in heaven
Hallowed be Thy Name;
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen.

I do not know about you, but when I pray this, I tend to not truly listen to the words that I am saying. It is just like any habit you have – biting your nails, swearing too much, overspending – you do not even recognize what you are doing, or in this case, saying. It becomes so natural when you are reciting a prayer, you do not pay attention to the true meaning of it.

My favorite words of the Our Father is, “Thy will be done.” Many people just say this without thinking; I did too until I truly looked at the meaning behind it. One thing that can be hard to remember is that God’s will is far greater than our own. We tend to get so caught up in life and how stressful it can be, and we struggle to take some time to realize that God is looking out for us. Every second of every day, God is looking out for us.

It can be difficult to leave everything in God’s hands and hope for the best. Although it has been something that I have been working on, I still do not have it completely down. I am a work in progress, but that is okay. I may not be able to let God fully take over my life, but it is something that I am putting time and effort towards, and God sees that. God does not care if we fail or struggle at something; He just wants us to at least try.

One thing that I have learned throughout my life is that even though you may pray to God asking and begging for something, He may not give it to you. Even if you bargain with Him (“If you give me this, I will do this…”), there is no guarantee that He will grant that unto you. Although that may seem unfair, it is simply life. You may think that you absolutely need whatever you are praying for, but take it from me – God knows what is best for you, even when you may not be able to see it.

A song that I love – which is actually today’s Christian song – was one of the reasons why I love these four words so much. In the song, it quotes, “Sometimes I gotta stop, remember that You’re God, and I am not.” Even though we may think otherwise, our future is not in our hands. Truthfully, it is in God’s, which means that we just need to sit back and enjoy the ride. Do not worry too much about things that are out of your control. Let God do His job. You cannot control everything, but you can control the amount of faith that you have in God. Work on that. Work on trusting God with every single that He has planned for you. It may not be what you asked for, but it is all a part of His plan.

Even when you may not realize it, God’s plan is far greater than your own.

xoxo, Linds

Today’s Christian song is: Thy Will by Hillary Scott & The Scott Family. Everything may not be in our control, so we should learn to trust God with all of our needs and intentions. He knows best, believe me.

Image result for thy will be done

2 corinthians 12:10 // hardships

“That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong,” 2 Corinthians 12:10 realizes.

There is no doubt that I have faced things in my life that have been hard. My grandma died when I was three years old. My classmate was diagnosed with cancer in 3rd grade. My choir teacher was diagnosed with cancer when I was ten years old. My choir teacher died when I was twelve years old. My classmate’s cancer came back in 8th grade. Although these things may not have directly happened to me, they have affected me in many ways.

While these things were happening and for the majority of the time after, I had nearly always dwelled on the negatives. I have always wondered, “Why me? What did I do to deserve this?” Although this is a common mindset among humans, we cannot continue to think like this. We cannot continue to think that just because God gave us a difficult task, He does not love us or want what is best for us.

I follow various religious accounts on Twitter, and while I was scrolling through my feed a week or so ago, I came across something that caught my eye. The tweet was: “I asked God for strength, and God gave me difficulties to make me strong.” I never thought that a fourteen-word tweet would change my mindset on things, but those fourteen words hold so much truth.

Obviously, we do not want to or enjoy going through difficulties in our lives. We do not want something to happen that will affect us in a negative way. However, I have learned and come to realize that all of these events have shaped me into who I am today. All of these hardships that I have endured within my 15 years of life have slowly – but surely – been turning me into the person who God wants me to be. All of these hardships have been & will continue making me stronger. They are helping me grow, both as a person and in my faith. It may not be easy, but it is most definitely worth it.

Believe me when I say that I know it is not easy to find the good in a situation where there is such a little amount of good happening. Except if we are constantly having a negative mindset and looking at the negative side of things, we will never get to the place where God wants us to be. This whole topic also makes me think of Romans 8:18, “The pain that you’ve been feeling, can’t compare to the joy that’s coming.” Without bad things in life, you cannot truly appreciate the good things in life.

I am not saying that you cannot be upset about something bad that you are experiencing or have experienced. What I am saying is to try and spend a little more time on the positive and a little less time on the negative. If you keep living in the mindset that all of these terrible things are happening to you and you do not at least try and find the good in them, then there is a good chance that you will not be happy with who and where you are in life. God chose you for this battle because He knows that you can handle it. Even if you cannot see it now, God can. He knows that you are strong enough to handle this. Remember that.

Bad things are going to happen in our lives – it is human nature. However, it is up to us to determine how it is going to affect us.

xoxo, Linds

There are a lot of people who inspire me to write my blog topics. I usually leave them unmentioned, but I decided that I am going to acknowledge this person because she inspires me in more ways than she knows. Do you ever get it in life when you know of someone and you aren’t really friends with them, but you really want to? Well, that was how I felt about Hannah McWilliams.

My first day of sophomore year, I discovered that Hannah was in my Teen Issues class. I was super excited because this increased my chances of getting to know her. Although we had class together, we didn’t really talk that much. Then, I saw a poster in the hallway about a new club at NPHS called “Faith Club.” I was super excited about the creation of this club, so I decided to check it out. Little did I know that Hannah was going to be there – as one of the leaders – but I was so thrilled. The way she talks about God’s love & grace every week is truly amazing.

One week she gave a testimony about her faith and the hardships that she has experienced. After hearing her story, I began to realize just how strong Hannah is. You wouldn’t know how much she has been – and continues to go through – when you see her bright, kind, bubbly personality. However, I am happy to say that I have gotten to know Hannah better and I could not be more thankful. She truly does spread happiness everywhere she goes and I admire her in so many ways. Keep shining, my beautiful Hannah. God’s love shines through you.

Today’s Christian song: Stronger by Mandisa. The song talks about how although we may not know or understand God’s reasoning for things, we need to trust in Him. What we are going through now is preparing us for greater things and is also making us stronger.


2 corinthians 5:7 // love + keeping the faith

“We walk by faith, not by sight,” 2 Corinthians 5:7 instructs.

As a child, I remember hearing this and it did not make any sense to me. I remember thinking, “How can someone walk with their eyes closed? Like won’t they run into something? It doesn’t make sense.” Now that I am older, I understand the true meaning of this verse and the message it holds. It is talking about the ability to let go and let faith lead the way of your life.

I grew up in a family where we went to church every Sunday and since I went to a Catholic school, I also went every Wednesday morning. However, I always found myself zoning out and not truly paying attention to the parts of the Mass. I found myself not walking by faith, but instead by sight; not having myself live by one of my favorite songs that were sung in church. (Except, for all of those wondering, my all-time favorite song that is sung in church is We Come To Your Feast. Such a classic.)

Another thing that I had a hard time comprehending was 1 Corinthians 13:13, “And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.” Throughout Donna Mae’s cancer journey, I had many different words that helped me through it. The most well known was believe, but others were faith, hope, and peace. Nearly every time that I ended a journal entry post on her CaringBridge, I wrote: “Remember to just believe, have faith, always hope and be peaceful.”

Little did I know, that the root of everything is love. You cannot have faith or hope without having love. A few weekends ago at the church that we attend when we go up to our cabin, the homily that the priest gave stuck out to me. Part of the homily went like this:

“In Christian ethics, love plays an important role. The behavior of a Christian, that proceeds from an unselfish and all-embracing love, constitutes the Christian ethics. Our righteousness should surpass all others. In short, Christian morality requires a shift from self-centered thinking, to other-centered thinking. Certainly this is a difficult mental shift, because we are naturally self-absorbed. We must shift our thinking from local, to global. Avoid narrow thinking, and widen the horizons. Stop thinking only of my own people, my own community, and my own country.”

He also continued on with his homily, but then he ended with this:

“Fix your eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. Don’t trade your life for temporary things. You can take nothing with you when you leave this world. But, you can send them ahead of you by investing in people here and now. Jesus’ teachings challenge us to seek a deeper and inner kind of holiness, and to grow into a spiritual maturity that will enable us to live the demands of the Gospel.”

Although it may be hard – especially for me – it is important to fix your eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, just like Father said. Do not let your eyes guide you. Do not let your eyes of 2017 – eyes that tend to be full of hatred, violence, cruelty – guide you. Let your faith guide you. Let the Word of God guide you. I have known and experienced so many people and things throughout my 15 years of life, but the one thing that has always been there and kept me secure was my faith.

Faith is not hoping that God can, it is knowing that He will.

xoxo, Linds

Today Christian song is: Trust In You by Lauren Daigle. This song talks about how although we may not realize it, we need to learn how to trust in God and in His plan.


proverbs 31:25 // self-confidence

“She is clothed in strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future,” Proverbs 31:25 exclaims.

Of all of the words in the Bible, these have always been some of my favorite words that have been strung together to make up a verse. I think a reason why is because it describes me in a certain way. Yet, contrary to what this verse mentions at the end, I do tend to worry about things. It is not because I am worried that God will not provide for me, but simply because it is a part of me that I cannot control.

I recently started a new semester and one of my required classes is Communication Studies (with one of my favorite teachers, Mrs. Lindsay Schuette). In that class, we have not only already done but will continue doing small group & large group discussions, speeches, and focusing on how to communicate well with others. The other day we watched a TED Talk called Connected, but Alone? by Sherry Turkle. The lecture mentioned the advance of technology and how it may not necessarily be a good thing.

I do not tell many people this, but one thing that I struggle with is worrying about if I am a bother to people. I do not tell many people this because it makes me sound vulnerable and like I am in constant need of attention. Please let me clarify: I am not writing this because I want people to have to pay close attention to the things that they say to me in fear of causing this feeling of worry. I am writing this because I want people to know that if they are feeling the same way that I am: YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

In the TED Talk, Sherry relays the message that we do not need to rely or depend on other people to make us feel valued and appreciated. I have to remind myself that if someone is currently busy or takes a little longer to respond, that does not mean that they do not want to talk to me. It does not mean that they do not enjoy my company. It does not mean that I said or did something to upset them.

The thing that I have taken away the most from this experience is that it is so important to be comfortable when you are alone. I am not going to lie, nearly every time that I am alone or I am not communicating with someone, I feel very lonely. I feel like no one wants to talk to me or spend time with me. Even when I know that is not true, my mind tricks me into thinking that it is. When it does this, it causes me to apologize for no reason to anyone who takes a little longer to respond or has a shorter response than usual.

I am almost constantly worrying about if I am bothering people or what they are thinking of me. I know I should not – I should take pride in who I am – but it is easier said than done. Although it may be hard, I need to try and work on myself. I need to realize that:

  • I do matter.
  • I am worthy.
  • I am loved.
  • I am valuable.
  • I am strong.
  • I am not a bother.

As difficult as this task may be, I am going to focus on myself. I need to realize that even though I may have a difficult time finding my worth, I will always be able to find my worth in Christ. If you are struggling with this, I encourage you to recognize how amazing of a person you are. I also encourage you to turn to God, because He knows just how valuable and precious you are. Find the strength and dignity that God has provided for you. Although it is wonderful to have people who can be there for you, do not solely depend on them.

You need to learn to be there for yourself. 

xoxo, Linds

Today’s Christian song is: Oceans by Hillsong United. I have had this song stuck in my head for the past couple of weeks. The song is about how you should try and just let go and have God take complete control of your life.
